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Available Interventions

Our Mission

​Parents, need ideas?

Is my child ready for school? How can I give them a balanced sensory diet? Have they learnt the necessary skills to make life in the classroom easier? For some ideas of things that you can do with your child to aid in their development, click on the button below.

At Smart Learning Solutions, we aim to help children with coordination, learning difficulties and behavioural problems. It is important to identify the source of the problem as learning is not all in the mind and physical factors could be hindering their academic progress.


We assess and offer interventions for children and adolescents who have either been diagnosed with a specific learning difficulty or who are under-achieving, despite good levels of ability and intelligence. A full diagnostic assessment will enable us to evaluate and tailor make a programme to suit his/her specific needs.

Does your child struggle in any of these areas?

  • Difficulty in Mathematics

  • Coordination difficulties

  • Poor speech

  • Awareness of speech sounds

  • Hyper or Hypo-sensitivity to sounds

  • Understanding and remembering information and instructions

  • General Academic under-achievement

  • Self esteem and self confidence

  • School Readiness

  • Difficulties in Reading, Writing and/or Spelling

  • Poor handwriting skills

  • Dyslexia

  • Dyspraxia

  • Attention Deficit Disorder

  • Concentration problems

  • Seems to be disorganised and has difficulty staying on task

  • Poor memory


Located in Auckland, New Zealand, Smart Learning Solutions offers a wide range of services including individual assessments in Neuro-Motor Immaturity, Sound Therapy, and Bilateral IntegrationAssessments are available for children and adults.

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